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Lightning as a Strength Indicator

Lightning as a Strength Indicator

NASA researchers are using lightning data from GOES-16 to find the link between increased lightning activity in hurricanes and the strengthening phase of their life cycle, in the hopes of improving hurricane intensity forecasts.

Floating a Solar Panel Land Use Solution

Floating a Solar Panel Land Use Solution

Floating solar panel technology could free up millions of acres of land that would be occupied by traditional land-based solar power plants.

Improving Tornado Warnings

Improving Tornado Warnings

A 2020 study by researchers from Penn State and Stony Brook Universities, as well as the NWS, delves into radar data from the latest generation of polarimetric radar to see if the size, shape, and location of raindrops in a supercell thunderstorm can help better differentiate between storms that produce tornadoes and those that do not.